To celebrate the majestic beauty of the Whale Shark, and to help draw focus to their plight, THE ROCKS PUSH has launched a new print this summer called WHALE SHARK SKIN PRINT in our Balmoral board short style (check it out here!)

At THE ROCKS PUSH we pride the fact that our shorts are made from REPREVE fabric (learn more about that here!), so every pair of shorts are made from 5 recycled plastic bottles - which keeps you looking good and plastics out of our oceans!

Whale Sharks, the world's largest fish and serene ocean giants, are under growing threat due to plastic pollution. These gentle filter-feeders, often encountered in warm tropical waters, are falling victim to the insidious spread of plastics in our oceans.
Plastic pollution introduces a double threat to Whale Sharks. These creatures feed on plankton and small fish, drawing water into their enormous mouths and extracting their prey. In the process, they may inadvertently ingest microplastics, harmful for their digestive systems and overall health.
Larger plastic debris, such as discarded fishing nets and plastic bags, also pose physical threats, leading to injuries or entanglement.

The implications of Whale Shark endangerment extend far beyond their charismatic presence. As apex predators, they are essential for maintaining the health of marine ecosystems, ensuring a balanced food web. The decline of Whale Shark populations could disrupt this delicate equilibrium.
Conservation efforts are essential. Establishing protected marine areas and promoting responsible plastic waste management can reduce plastic's entry into oceans. By reducing single-use plastics and encouraging recycling, we can help protect these majestic creatures and the intricate ecosystems they inhabit.
Preserving Whale Sharks is not only about safeguarding a species; it's about securing the future of our oceans.
Our actions today can ensure these gentle giants continue to roam our seas for generations to come.